How much fridge capacity do you need?

What size fridge recommend?We are introducing the "size / capacity" recommended according to the number of users who will be using the new refrigerator.

We recall that the maximum size it will mark the space we have in our kitchen, but being the marking the exterior size, capacity in liters which are recommended?

The most common are currently the Combi refrigerators, freezers where it is combined with refrigerators. The announced capacity in liters and these are the recommended capacity (approx):
2-3 people: 200-250 liters (Top freezer)
3-5 people: 250 liters (Bottom freezer)
+5 People: +300 liters (American)

The approximate dimensions of refrigerators (we recommend measuring well our kitchen)
Bottom Freezer: 60-67 x 175-201cm
We recommend you visit our guide to buying fridge-freezer with tips on buying the best model.